Saturday, February 5, 2011



Memorandum to the United States of America

February 4th 2011

We, the concerned citizens of Malaysia, the upholders of truth, freedom, justice, human rights and democracy, believe that the turmoil in Egypt must end with the ultimate demand of the Egyptian people being met.

After three decades of repressive rule, the Egyptian people regardless of religious beliefs, social standings or group affiliations had made a fundamental demand for a regime change. Hosni Mubarak must leave the presidency immediately.

The “million man march” on February the 1st, 2011 carried this as the only demand. Events are taking an ugly turn with acts of violence perpetrated by the supporters of Hosni Mubarak on the peaceful gathering at the Tahrir Square. The violence can escalate.

The United States of America clearly has a big influence on Hosni Mubarak. It is time for the United States of America to state its stand, in no uncertain terms, that Mubarak must go. The orderly transition must start with Hosni Mubarak out of the picture. Only then can the USA claim that they hear the voice of the Egyptian people.

The Egyptian people deserve a regime change. Egyptians deserve their freedom, the right to self-determination, and the right to build their own future.

We therefore, in solidarity with the people of Egypt, call for the following:

1. that Hosni Mubarak must step-down immediately;
2. that the USA must call for the immediate resignation of President Hosni Mubarak;
3. that the international community act to:
1. ensure that violence does not escalate,
2. apply pressure to Hosni Mubarak to leave his presidency immediately,
3. call for the installation of a government of national unity, acting in a care-taker role,
4. facilitate the holding of an internationally supervised free and fair elections;
4. that all repressive regimes especially in the Middle-East must take heed of the unfolding events and listen to voice of their people.

Political Parties, NGOs and concerned citizens of Malaysia


Memorandum kepada Amerika Syarikat

4 Februari 2011

Kami, rakyat Malaysia yang prihatin, penegak kebenaran, kebebasan, keadilan, hak asasi manusia dan demokrasi, percaya bahawa pergolakan di Mesir sekarang ini mesti berakhir dengan kemuncak tuntutan rakyat Mesir dipenuhi.

Selepas tiga dekad pemerintahan yang zalim, rakyat Mesir tanpa mengira kepercayaan agama, kedudukan sosial atau kumpulan sekutu telah membuat tuntutan dasar untuk perubahan rejim. Hosni Mubarak mesti meninggalkan takhta presidennya segera.

Inilah satu-satunya tuntutan yang dibawa semasa Perarakan Sejuta Manusia ("million man march") pada 1 Februari 2011. Peristiwa seterusnya telah menjadi semakin buruk dengan tindakan ganas yang dimulakan oleh penyokong Hosni Mubarak ke atas perhimpunan aman di Medan Tahrir. Keganasan ini boleh merebak.

Amerika Syarikat jelas mempunyai pengaruh yang besar ke atas Hosni Mubarak. Sudah tiba masanya bagi Amerika untuk menyatakan pendiriannya, tanpa syarat, bahawa Mubarak mesti berundur. Peralihan dan transisi yang baik ("the orderly transition") mesti bermula dengan Hosni Mubarak berundur. Dengan cara itu sahajalah Amerika Syarikat boleh mendakwa bahawa ia mendengar suara rakyat Mesir.

Rakyat Mesir berhak kepada perubahan rejim. Rakyat Mesir berhak kepada kebebasan, hak untuk menentukan dan membina masa depan mereka sendiri.

Kami dengan ini, atas semangat solidariti bersama rakyat Mesir, menuntut perkara-perkara berikut:

1. Bahawa Hosni Mubarak mesti berundur serta merta;
2. Bahawa Amerika Syarikat mesti menggesa agar Presiden Hosni Mubarak meletak jawatan serta merta;
3. Bahawa Masyarakat antarabangsa bertindak untuk:
1. memastikan keganasan tidak berlarutan,
2. memberi tekanan ke atas Hosni Mubarak untuk meninggalkan takhta persidennya serta merta,
3. meminta agar kerajaan perpaduan ("government of national unity") ditubuhkan yang akan berperanan sebagai "care taker",
4. membantu mengadakan pilihanraya adil dan saksama yang diselia oleh pihak antarabangsa;
4. Bahawa semua rejim yang zalim terutama di Timur Tengah mesti mengambil iktibar dan pengajaran daripada peristiwa yang sedang berlaku dan mendengar suara rakyat mereka

Parti-parti politik, Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan dan Rakyat Malaysia yang Prihatin